Dani Perrecone
Choo choo! All aboard the “Hot Mess Express”!

Dani’s life was like a runaway train. Every new experience that was stressful or demanding derailed her. She experienced high anxiety, the butterflies in your tummy, nail biting, hair twirling kind of anxiety. She had distorted fears. When she told someone what she was afraid of, they looked at her in disbelief. She was always late to everything, got her left and right mixed up and couldn’t read an analog clock. Someone driving too slow or cutting her off was a personal attack, so naturally she felt she had to retaliate. If you asked her if she wanted a salad, she internalized the question as an insult, how dare they call her fat!
Those behaviors were slowly simmering under the surface but came to a full boil when she stressed out at 18 years old. The expectations were high. The pressure mounted and sent her into a tailspin. Her response was to just cry. There were a lot of calls home to be comforted and encouraged. It was a very long four years.
Dani finished school and decided to live in another country that challenged her sense of safety and security on many levels. After two years, she decided it was time to go home.
She had the opportunity to figure out her brain profile once she got back home. She was described as determined and motivated and an amazing compensator working with an underdeveloped brain, retained primitive reflexes and a lot of unproductive subconscious beliefs. She was able to navigate through anything but everything felt like she was wearing 50 pound weights on her ankles. She thought everyone efforted as much as her.
As it turns out, we’re not supposed to feel like life is a battlefield. The hot mess express is no longer in the station. The destination is a healthy, developed, connected brain.
As the founding lead Brain Coach at ITC, it’s Dani’s mission to share that the brain and limiting beliefs can change! We all have the power within us to control our emotions and responses to any and all situations. She is so excited to share how to get in touch with what we are all capable of. Anyone with a brain that wants their life to get easier, more joyful, and overall better can absolutely get there, and we can show you how!

San Diego, CA
Tel: (619) 289 8233
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